MEETING MINUTES Search magic: add filetype:pdf to your Google search to get only results from PDFs on WOOL’s website.
Attachment 2023-06-25-WOOL-Annual-Mtg-Min-Report-final.pdf Annual minutes and report from 2023 were just approved.
Attachment 2024-05-09-WOOL-Bd-MIN-final.pdf Hoping to see all the lambs at the Annual Meeting on the 30th!
Attachment 2023-07-12-WOOL-Bd-Min-final.pdf Here are the July minutes for your summer reading pleasure. Skye
Attachment 2023-02-08-WOOL-Min-Final.pdf Here’s the Board’s February news for all of ewes (and rams!)
Attachment 2023-01-11-WOOL-Bd-Mtg-MIN-Final-1.pdf Here are the January Board Minutes for your Woolie pleasure.
Attachment 2022-11-09-Bd-Min-Final-1.pdf Just realized I didn’t post the final Nov meeting minutes – apologies!
Attachment 2022-12-14-WOOL-Bd-Min-Final-1.pdf Here are the December minutes as approved by the Board.
Attachment 2022-WOOL-Annual-Report-approved-1.pdf Here is the WOOL Annual Meeting Report as approved at the November meeting.
Attachment 2022-10-12-WOOL-Board-Mtg-Minutes-Approved-1.pdf Here are the approved minutes of the October Board meeting.
Attachment 2022-09-21-WOOL-Bd-Mtg-Min-final-1.pdf Apologies for missing that I had not yet posted the Sept. minutes – here are the final minutes from the Board’s Sept meeting.
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13APR22-1.pdf I have thoroughly loved my time here on the WOOL Board! C of The ETC Show
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-16MAR22-1.pdf Huge and wonderful things happening at WOOL, many thanks to our incredible, dedicated volunteers!
Attachment 2021.09.15_WOOL-Board-Minutes-1.pdf Thank you to my fellow Board member, President Bill for having my back when I was unavailable to take minutes!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11AUG21-1.pdf Thank you to my fellow Board member Melissa for having my back when I was unavailable to take minutes!
Attachment WOOL-FM-Annual-Membership-Meeting-2020-Approved-in-2021-1.pdf Approved Minutes from the 2020 Annual Meeting…
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-20JAN21-1.pdf Please wear your mask, socially distance and wash those hands. Thanks!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-10JUN20-1.pdf Please wash your hands, wear your masks, and stay socially distanced.
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13NOV19-1.pdf Thanks to all for your support at our Annual Silent Auction!
Attachment 2018.02.21-Minutes-WOOL-Board-Mtg-1.pdf The Black Sheep want out of the barn! Hurry Spring, HURRY!!
Attachment 2016.06.26-Annual-Report-and-Agenda-1.pdf 2016 Annual Report and Meeting Agenda (corrected)
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Aug-12-2015-1.pdf A loyal listener says, “WOOL Programming is TIGHT!” Well thank you very much. 🙂
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-June102015-1.pdf Beautiful lazy summer days!!! See you at the WOOL FM Block Party at The Waypoint Center with live music on August 15th! Come on out and celebrate our 10th anniversary with us!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-April-8-2015-1.pdf April showers bring May flowers! What do Mayflowers bring?
Attachment WOOLBoard-Minutes-9-10-141-1.pdf Oops! It should no longer read, “WOOL-LP” at the top of the monthly Board Meeting minutes. Sorry!!
Attachment 2024-08-14-WOOL-Bd-min-final.pdf
For your viewing pleasure.
Attachment 2024-07-17-WOOL-Bd-min-final-1.pdf
For your reading enjoyment, Woolies.
Attachment 2024-06-12-WOOL-Bd-MIN-final.pdf
Minutes from the regular June Board meeting
Attachment 2023-06-25-WOOL-Annual-Mtg-Min-Report-final.pdf
Annual minutes and report from 2023 were just approved.
Attachment 2024-05-09-WOOL-Bd-MIN-final.pdf
Hoping to see all the lambs at the Annual Meeting on the 30th!
Attachment 2024-04-10-WOOL-Bd-min-final.pdf
Here we go into spring . . .
Attachment 2024-03-13-WOOL-Bd-min-final.pdf
Full fleece again . . .
Attachment 2024-02-21-WOOL-Bd-minfinal-inc.pdf
A bit shorn . . .
Attachment 2024-01-10-WOOL-Bd-min-final.pdf
for all interested WOOlies
Attachment 2023-12-20-WOOL-Bd-min-final.pdf
and Dec minutes
Attachment 2023-11-08-WOOL-Bd-min-final.pdf
November minutes
Attachment 2023-10-11-WOOL-Bd-Min-final.pdf
Here are the most recent minutes approved by the Board.
Attachment 2023-09-18-WOOL-Bd-MIN-final.pdf
Minutes uploaded again – didn’t seem to take last time.
Attachment 2023-08-09-WOOL-Bd-Min-final.pdf
Here are the August minutes . . .Enjoy1
Attachment 2023-07-12-WOOL-Bd-Min-final.pdf
Here are the July minutes for your summer reading pleasure.
Attachment 2023-06-07-WOOL-BD-Minutes-final.pdf
June’s minutes from the Board meeting.
Attachment 2023-05-10-WOOL-Bd-Min-final.pdf
May minutes for your enjoyment!
Attachment 2023-04-26-WOOL-Bd-Min-final.pdf
And now we are up to date!
Attachment 2023-03-08-WOOL-Bd-Minfinal.pdf
At long last – sorry for the delay!
Attachment 2023-02-08-WOOL-Min-Final.pdf
Here’s the Board’s February news for all of ewes (and rams!)
Attachment 2023-01-11-WOOL-Bd-Mtg-MIN-Final-1.pdf
Here are the January Board Minutes for your Woolie pleasure.
Attachment 2022-11-09-Bd-Min-Final-1.pdf
Just realized I didn’t post the final Nov meeting minutes – apologies!
Attachment 2022-12-14-WOOL-Bd-Min-Final-1.pdf
Here are the December minutes as approved by the Board.
Attachment 2022-WOOL-Annual-Report-approved-1.pdf
Here is the WOOL Annual Meeting Report as approved at the November meeting.
Attachment 2022-10-12-WOOL-Board-Mtg-Minutes-Approved-1.pdf
Here are the approved minutes of the October Board meeting.
Attachment 2022-09-21-WOOL-Bd-Mtg-Min-final-1.pdf
Apologies for missing that I had not yet posted the Sept. minutes – here are the final minutes from the Board’s Sept meeting.
Attachment 2022-08-17-WOOL-Bd-Min-final-1.pdf
The approved minutes from the Board meeting of August.
Attachment 2022-07-20-WOOL-Bd-Mtg-Min-final-evd-1.pdf
Hello all – here are the July minutes!
Attachment 2022-06-15-WOOL-Bd-Mtg-Min-1.pdf
Hello all – so happy to be here!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13APR22-1.pdf
I have thoroughly loved my time here on the WOOL Board! C of The ETC Show
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-16MAR22-1.pdf
Huge and wonderful things happening at WOOL, many thanks to our incredible, dedicated volunteers!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-9FEB22-1.pdf
Happy Mud Season!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12JAN22-1.pdf
We need a PRESIDENT!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-20NOV21-1.pdf
Buh-bye 2021!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-27OCT21-1-1.pdf
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-27OCT21-2.pdf
The Holiday Season is upon us!
Attachment 2021.09.15_WOOL-Board-Minutes-1.pdf
Thank you to my fellow Board member, President Bill for having my back when I was unavailable to take minutes!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11AUG21-1.pdf
Thank you to my fellow Board member Melissa for having my back when I was unavailable to take minutes!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-14JUL21-1.pdf
Perhaps better late than never?
Attachment 2021_Annual-Report-1.pdf
While I’m at it, here’s the 2021 Annual Report!
Attachment annualreport2020-1.pdf
2020 Annual Report, 🙂
Attachment WOOL-FM-Annual-Membership-Meeting-2020-Approved-in-2021-1.pdf
Approved Minutes from the 2020 Annual Meeting…
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09JUN21-1.pdf
Enjoy your summer!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12MAY21-1.pdf
Happy Almost SUMMER!!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-14APR21-1.pdf
Get outside and enjoy this weather!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-10MAR21-1.pdf
I hope you are all enjoying SPRING!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-17FEB21-1.pdf
Out like a lamb?
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-20JAN21-1.pdf
Please wear your mask, socially distance and wash those hands. Thanks!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09DEC20-1.pdf
Happy Inauguration Day!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11NOV20-1.pdf
Thank goodness 2020 is almost OVER!!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-14OCT20-1.pdf
Trick or Treat!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-9SEP20-1.pdf
Back to school, drive safely!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-16JUL20-1.pdf
Late in posting these, sorry!!
Attachment GFCBC.TreasurersReport20200831-2-1.pdf
August Treasurer’s Report
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12AUG20-1.pdf
Have a safe and happy FALL!
Attachment 2019-WOOL-FM-Annual-Membership-Meeting-1.pdf
2019 Annual Meeting Minutes
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-10JUN20-1.pdf
Please wash your hands, wear your masks, and stay socially distanced.
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13MAY20-1.pdf
So ready for summer!!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-08APR20-1.pdf
Do the right thing, keep yourself and others safe…
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11MAR20-1.pdf
Stay safe, everyone!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12FEB20-1.pdf
Happy Presidents’ Day!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09JAN20-1.pdf
Let’s hope for 2020 to be a great year!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11DEC19-1-1.pdf
Happy New Year to the Black Sheep WOOL Flock!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11DEC19-2.pdf
Happy New Year to the Black Sheep Flock!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13NOV19-1.pdf
Thanks to all for your support at our Annual Silent Auction!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09OCT19-1.pdf
The Holiday Season has begun!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11SEP19-1.pdf
Come to the WOOL Annual Silent Auction on November 15th!
Attachment WOOLBoardMinutes20190807-1.pdf
End of Summer……
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-07JUL19-1.pdf
July Board Meeting Minutes!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-07May19-1.pdf
It’s my birthday!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-16APR19-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13MAR19-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13FEB19-1.pdf
Yay, it’s lambing season!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09JAN19-1-1.pdf
Welcome 2019!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09JAN19-2.pdf
January’s Minutes!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12DEC18-1-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12DEC18-2.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-14NOV18-1.pdf
Thanks for taking the meeting minutes, Gary!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-10OCT18-1.pdf
Attachment GFCBCTresRpt20181010-1.pdf
September Financials!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12SEP18-1.pdf
Attachment WOOLBlockParty2018Report-1.pdf
A very successful Block Party, thank you all!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-08AUG18-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13JUNE18-1.pdf
Get ready for the August Block Party!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-09MAY18-1.pdf
Almost summah time!
Attachment Meeting-Minutes-11APR18-1.pdf
Thanks for taking the April minutes, Dish!
Attachment 2018.02.21-Minutes-WOOL-Board-Mtg-1.pdf
The Black Sheep want out of the barn! Hurry Spring, HURRY!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-17JAN18-1.pdf
What’s with that Groundhog, anyway?!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13DEC17-1.pdf
One twelfth of the way through 2018!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11NOV17-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11OCT17-1.pdf
Looking forward to the WOOL Annual Silent Auction!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-13SEP17-1.pdf
Welcome Fall!!!
Attachment 09AUG17-WOOL-Board-Minutes-1.pdf
Goodbye Summer!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-June14-2017-1.pdf
I miss June!
Attachment 2017.05.10-Minutes-WOOL-Board-Mtg-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-12APR17-1.pdf
See you all at The Annual Meeting! 🙂
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-8MARCH17-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-15FEB17-1.pdf
Happy Valentine’s Day, WOOLIES!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-January11-2017-1.pdf
Attachment Form990N2016-1.pdf
2016 Form 990N
Attachment WOOL-Board-MinuteDecember-142016-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-November-9-2016-1.pdf
Thanks for supporting our Silent Auction!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Oct-12-2016-1.pdf
Happy Halloween!
Attachment WOOL-Board-MINUTES-July132016Melissa-1.pdf
Summah time!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-AUGUST-2016Melissa-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-June-8-2016-1.pdf
School’s out for summer!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Sep-14-2016-1.pdf
September was beautiful!
Attachment Wool-FM-Annual-Meeting-2015-1-1.pdf
Attachment Wool-FM-Annual-Meeting-2015-2.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-May-11-2016-1.pdf
Time for shearing!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Apr-13-2016-1.pdf
Attachment 2016.06.26-Annual-Report-and-Agenda-1.pdf
2016 Annual Report and Meeting Agenda (corrected)
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Mar-162016-1.pdf
We love Bellows Falls!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Meeting-Feb10-2016-1.pdf
Thanks to Gary for taking the Meeting Minutes!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Jan-11-2016-1.pdf
How can it be 2016 already?!?!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-December9-2015-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Nov11-2015-1.pdf
Catching up; it’s now November!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Oct-142015doc-1.pdf
And lookee here, it’s OCTOBER!!!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Sep92015-1.pdf
September 2015!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Aug-12-2015-1.pdf
A loyal listener says, “WOOL Programming is TIGHT!” Well thank you very much. 🙂
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-July-8-2015-1.pdf
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-June102015-1.pdf
Beautiful lazy summer days!!! See you at the WOOL FM Block Party at The Waypoint Center with live music on August 15th! Come on out and celebrate our 10th anniversary with us!
Attachment Wool-FM-Annual-Membership-Meeting2014-1.pdf
2014 Annual Meeting Minutes
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-May13-2015-1.pdf
School’s Out For Summer!+
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-April-8-2015-1.pdf
April showers bring May flowers! What do Mayflowers bring?
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-March-11-2015-1.pdf
Marching to the bleat of our own drum!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Feb10-2015-1.pdf
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-Jan2015-1.pdf
January 2015 WOOL Board Meeting Minutes
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-11-12-14-1.pdf
Silent Auction Time!
Attachment WOOL-Board-Minutes-10-8-14-1.pdf
Happy Halloween!
Attachment WOOLBoard-Minutes-9-10-14-1.pdf
Sorry for the late posting.
Attachment WOOLBoard-Minutes-9-10-141-1.pdf
Oops! It should no longer read, “WOOL-LP” at the top of the monthly Board Meeting minutes. Sorry!!
Attachment WOOLBoard-Minutes-7-9-14-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/9/14
Attachment WOOLBoard-Minutes-6-11-14-1.pdf
Board Meeting 6/11/14
Attachment 14-05-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/14/14
Attachment 14-04-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/9/14
Attachment 14-03-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/12/14
Attachment 14-02-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/12/14
Attachment 14-01-21_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/21/14
Attachment 14-01-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/8/14
Attachment 13-12-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 12/11/13
Attachment 13-11-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/13/13
Attachment 13-09-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/11/13
Attachment 13-10-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/9/13
Attachment 13-07-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/10/13
Attachment 13-06-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/12/13
Attachment 13-04-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/10/13
Attachment 13-03-21_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/21/13
Attachment 13-02-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/13/13
Attachment 12-09-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/12/12
Attachment 12-08-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/14/12
Attachment 11-09-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/14/11
Attachment 11-08-17_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/17/11
Attachment 11-05-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/11/11
Attachment 11-04-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/13/11
Attachment 11-03-23_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/23/11
Attachment 11-02-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/9/11
Attachment 10-12-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 12/8/10
Attachment 10-11-10_boardsm-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/10/10
Attachment 10-10-20_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/20/10
Attachment 10-08-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/11/10
Attachment 10-07-21_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/21/10
Attachment 10-09-15_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/15/10
Attachment 10-06-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/9/10
Attachment 10-05-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/12/10
Attachment 10-04-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/14/10
Attachment 10-03-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/10/10
Attachment 10-01-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/13/10
Attachment 10-01-12_specialmeeting-1.pdf
Special Board Meeting: 1/12/10
Attachment 10-01-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/12/10
Attachment 09-12-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 12/9/09
Attachment 09-11-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/11/09
Attachment 09-10-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/14/09
Attachment 09-06-28_annualmeeting-1.pdf
Annual Meeting: 6/28/09
Attachment 09-08-05_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/5/09
Attachment 09-06-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/10/09
Attachment 09-04-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/8/09
Attachment 09-02-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/11/09
Attachment 08-11-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/12/08
Attachment 08-10-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/8/08
Attachment 08-09-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/10/08
Attachment 08-08-06_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/6/08
Attachment 08-06-29_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/29/08
Attachment 08-06-29_annualmeetingminutes-1.pdf
Annual Meeting: 6/29/08
Attachment 08-06-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/11/08
Attachment 08-05-18_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/18/08
Attachment 08-05-07_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 5/7/08
Attachment 08-04-16_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/16/08
Attachment 08-04-09_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 4/9/08
Attachment 08-03-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/12/08
Attachment 08-02-20_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/20/08
Attachment 08-02-06_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 2/6/08
Attachment 08-03-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 3/5/08
Attachment 08-01-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/9/08
Attachment 07-12-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 12/12/07
Attachment 07-12-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 12/5/07
Attachment 07-11-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/14/07
Attachment 07-10-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/10/07
Attachment 07-10-10_specialmeeting-1.pdf
Special Board Meeting: 10/10/07
Attachment 07-09-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 9/5/07
Attachment 07-10-03_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 10/3/07
Attachment 07-09-04_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/4/07
Attachment 07-08-01_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 8/1/07
Attachment 07-07-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/11/07
Attachment 07-08-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/8/07
Attachment 07-07-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 7/5/07
Attachment 07-06-30_annualmeetingminutes-1.pdf
Annual Meeting: 6/30/07
Attachment 07-06-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/13/07
Attachment 07-06-06_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 6/6/07
Attachment 07-05-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/9/07
Attachment 07-05-03_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 5/3/07
Attachment 07-04-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/11/07
Attachment 07-02-07_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 2/7/07
Attachment 07-01-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/10/07
Attachment 07-01-03_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 1/3/07
Attachment 06-12-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 12/12/06
Attachment 06-12-06_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 12/6/06
Attachment 06-11-14_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/14/06
Attachment 06-10-04_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 10/4/06
Attachment 06-09-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/12/06
Attachment 06-08-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/8/06
Attachment 06-09-06_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 9/6/06
Attachment 06-07-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/11/06
Attachment 06-06-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/13/06
Attachment 06-05-10_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 5/10/06
Attachment 06-05-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/8/06
Attachment 06-04-10_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/10/06
Attachment 06-04-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 4/5/06
Attachment 06-03-20_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/20/06
Attachment 06-02-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/13/06
Attachment 06-02-08_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 2/8/06
Attachment 06-01-11_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 1/11/06
Attachment 06-01-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 1/9/06
Attachment 05-12-14_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 12/14/05
Attachment 05-12-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 12/12/05
Attachment 05-11-07_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 11/7/05
Attachment 05-10-20_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/20/05
Attachment 05-10-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 10/5/05
Attachment 05-09-21_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 9/21/05
Attachment 05-09-12_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/12/05
Attachment 05-09-08_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 9/8/05
Attachment 05-08-31_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 8/31/05
Attachment 05-08-24_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 8/24/05
Attachment 05-08-17_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 8/17/05
Attachment 05-08-10_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 8/10/05
Attachment 05-08-08_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 8/8/05
Attachment 05-07-26_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 7/26/05
Attachment 05-07-25_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/25/05
Attachment 05-07-18_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 7/18/05
Attachment 05-07-12_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 7/12/05
Attachment 05-07-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/11/05
Attachment 05-07-05_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 7/5/05
Attachment 05-06-13_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/13/05
Attachment 05-06-27_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 6/27/05
Attachment 05-05-24_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 5/24/05
Attachment 05-05-09_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 5/9/05
Attachment 05-04-11_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/11/05
Attachment 05-03-21_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/21/05
Attachment 05-02-22_programming-1.pdf
Programming Committee: 2/22/05
Attachment 05-02-07_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 2/7/05
Attachment 05-01-22_outreach-1.pdf
PR Committee: 1/22/05
Attachment 04-10-18_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/18/04
Attachment 04-10-02_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 10/2/04
Attachment 04-09-20_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 9/20/04
Attachment 04-07-27_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 7/27/04
Attachment 04-06-26_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/26/04
Attachment 04-06-05_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 6/5/04
Attachment 04-04-03_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 4/3/04
Attachment 04-03-06_board-1.pdf
Board Meeting: 3/6/04